The AssetIntel team
Office Module App Admin Section

February Updates

AUTHOR: The AssetIntel team

The following list outlines new features, improvements, and bug fixes.


  • Fixed a bug where updating inspection status from the Inspection List caused the loading wheel to spin indefinitely. (bug fix)

  • Fixed a bug where saved filters would occasionally reset automatically. (bug fix)

  • Enabled admins to configure both static and dynamic forms simultaneously. (improvement)

  • Enhanced the email configuration section in Admin Settings to support more scenarios. (improvement)

  • Allowed admins to upload certifications for any inspectX users within Admin Settings.(improvement)

  • Added ‘Is Null’ and ‘Is Not Null’ operators to the advanced filter options. (improvement)

  • Introduced asset-level calculated fields to extract specific values from many-to-one datasets (e.g., B.H.09 Annual Average Daily Traffic for H01). (improvement)

    Improved Email Notifications

    Improved Admin Control for User Certifications

    ‘Is Null’ and ‘Is Not Null’ Operators


    • Fixed a bug where uploading multiple photos within a note could cause the captions to scramble. (bug fix)

    • Updated sync logic to use the photo capture date instead of the upload date as the photo timestamp. (improvement)

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