- The AssetIntel team
November 19th Updates
The following list outlines new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
Implemented a tooltip feature within the inspection module. Admins can now configure what useful information to be displayed for any attributes in Admin Settings → Attributes. This will be especially helpful for inspectors during this SNBI transition period. Courtesy of Bureau of Reclamation (feature)
Implemented a horizontal scrollbar in the Inventory/Schedule/Inspection/Maintenance List so the columns do not get squished together. (improvement)
Added ‘Approved Date’ as an available column in the Inspection List section. (improvement)
Added a column to display photo dates directly in the photo log, eliminating the need to expand individual photos for date information. (improvement)
Implemented Inspection Begin and Completion Date for SNBI. Let us know if you want this to be enabled. (improvement)
Implemented the tooltip feature within the app. (feature)
Added a column to display photo dates directly in the photo log of the app as well. (improvement).
Implemented Inspection Begin and Completion Date for SNBI in the app. (improvement)
Tooltip Feature
Photolog → Photo Date Improvement
SNBI Inspection Begin and Completion Date