The AssetIntel team
Office Module App

November 19th Updates

AUTHOR: The AssetIntel team

The following list outlines new features, improvements, and bug fixes.


  • Implemented a tooltip feature within the inspection module. Admins can now configure what useful information to be displayed for any attributes in Admin Settings → Attributes. This will be especially helpful for inspectors during this SNBI transition period. Courtesy of Bureau of Reclamation (feature)

  • Implemented a horizontal scrollbar in the Inventory/Schedule/Inspection/Maintenance List so the columns do not get squished together. (improvement)

  • Added ‘Approved Date’ as an available column in the Inspection List section. (improvement)

  • Added a column to display photo dates directly in the photo log, eliminating the need to expand individual photos for date information. (improvement)

  • Implemented Inspection Begin and Completion Date for SNBI. Let us know if you want this to be enabled. (improvement)


  • Implemented the tooltip feature within the app. (feature)

  • Added a column to display photo dates directly in the photo log of the app as well. (improvement).

  • Implemented Inspection Begin and Completion Date for SNBI in the app. (improvement)

    Tooltip Feature

    Photolog → Photo Date Improvement

    SNBI Inspection Begin and Completion Date

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